The global population is anticipated to reach 9.3 billion by 2050, necessitating substantial increases in food and feed production (FAO 2022). Aligned with the sustainable development goal of zero hunger, there’s a critical need to ensure universal access to nutritious food. Striking a balance between meeting this demand, preserving biodiversity, and fostering diversity in the food sector is imperative. According to FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, this additional supply will have to come from aquaculture. Meeting the future demand for food from aquaculture will largely depend on the availability of quality feeds in the requisite quantities.
Fishmeal and fish oil have served as the foundational ingredients that have traditionally supported the rapid rise of aquaculture, owing to their exceptional nutritional value which are considered the gold standard against which other ingredients are measured. Over the past 25 years, the production rates for both ingredients have remained constant, indicating a stable supply. Even though fish feeds hold lower inclusion rates of fishmeal and fish oil than previously, fishmeal and fish oil are the best performing ingredients in fish feed and a future availability of marine ingredients is essential for an increase in aquaculture production. Fishmeal and fish oil produced from responsibly managed fisheries for fish with little or no potential for direct human comsumption, as well as cut-offs from the filletting industry, are thus helping to bring important long chain Omega 3 fatty acids and proteins into the food chain and including them in the diets of consumers.
Influencing Aquaculture Development
The Aquaculture Advisory Council (AAC) stands as a decisive stakeholder-led organization, providing concrete recommendations to the European Commission and EU countries on aquaculture development and pertinent Union policies. As a valued member of the AAC, EFFOP contributes robust recommendations aimed at shaping the future of aquaculture practices within the EU. Through proactive engagement, the AAC drives innovation, sustainability, and resilience within the aquaculture sector, ensuring its responsible development.