EFFOP’S Industry standard

Credibility, traceability, accountability and sustainability are central to the fish processing industries. Because of this, the members of European Fishmeal have sat together to develop the first every European industry for draining and weighing of unsorted pelagic landings for fishmeal and fish oil production.

The industry standard is a supplement to the current national legislation and international agreements. It has been developed based on the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and the post-harvest practices for responsible fish utilisation stated herein.

Furthermore, the standard for draining and weighing of unsorted pelagic landings for FM and FO production is a dedicated contribution towards UN SDGs by addressing a core issue in the fishing industry and helping to achieve one of the targets for SDG14 – Life Below Water, specifically: “By 2020, effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices and implement science-based management plans, in order to restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, at least to levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristics“. An impartial and universal standard for weighing unsorted pelagic landings for Fishmeal and Fish oil production is essential to achieve this goal. Other SDGs within the scope of this standard are SDG 17- Partnerships for the goals, and SDG 2 – Zero Hunger.

The following organisations commit to following this industry standard for draining and weighing unsorted pelagic bulk landings for FM and FO. The management is responsible for the implementation of the standard.

  • Marine Ingredients Denmark (MID) (Denmark) Danish Seafood Association (DSA) (Denmark)
  • FÍF: The Icelandic Fishmeal Association (Iceland)
  • Havsbrun P/F, Pelagos Kollafjordur Pelagic and Vardin (Faroe Islands)
  • Sjømat Norge (Norway)
  • Bioceval (Germany, France, Spain)
  • Pelagia (UK) Ltd
  • Pelagia Feed (Ireland) Ltd
  • Aucosa (Spain)
  • Eesti Kalatootjate Keskühistu (Estonia

See the Industry-standard here.