
World Oceans Day: a Journey of a thousand miles


Since 2008 the 8th of June has officially been recognized as World Ocean Day and today is a good day to take stock of of how far we have come – and the road ahead of us.

In the North Atlantic the number of stocks fished sustainably  has increased from 26% to 62% since 2008, when the World Oceans Day was officially recognized by the UN. Although further improvements are still necessary, the past years developments show that most stocks are well managed  – especially in the North-East Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea ( 62.5 – 87.5 % of stocks meet at least one of the good environmental status criteria in these regions)

Looking forward Anne Mette Bæk Managing director of European Fishmeal says;

“Sustainability is a key factor for the European fishmeal and fish oil industry and our continued focus on traceability and responsible sourcing is one of the key drivers in securing that our oceans are taken good care of in the future”

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and in European Fishmeal we celebrate World Oceans Day be looking back at the steps made already, and ahead towards those yet to come.