The dioxin problem of Baltic herring and salmon
Marine Ingredients Denmark participated in a GOHERR stakeholder workshop 16-17 February 2016
The workshop Background, Agenda and workshop position papers can be downloaded here: Background, Agenda and Workshop position papers.
Fatty Baltic Sea fish provide a rich source of Omega3 fatty acids and vitamin D for humans and could be attractive for people favoring locally produced healthy food. A problem in common for Baltic salmon and herring is, however, that they contain high concentrations of harmful dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs. Frequently the dioxin levels in these fish exceed the limit set by the EU for food and feed. Owing to the dioxin, the value of these fish for human consumption is low, and the authorities recommend restricting their intake. When producing fishmeal and fish oil dioxin is removed from the fish and the final products are subject to strict regulation on dioxin limits. Fishmeal production is thus helpful in removing harmful dioxin from the natural environment.
The GOHERR project aims to:
- Examine potential of integrated (ecosystembased) management of Baltic salmon and herring
– In reducing dioxin in these fish
– In reducing uncertainty in fisheries management - Examine opportunities to manage dioxin risk in a more effective way
– Integrate dioxin risk management with fisheries mangement?
– Dioxin risk governance?