
Mini-Symposium on Optimization of Sustainable Fisheries in Copenhagen


European Fishmeal is partner in the MSE project and is co-hosting a scientific mini-symposium on “Optimizing Sustainable Fishing on Rebuilt Fish Stocks”.

Fish stocks in the North Atlantic are rebuilding and they compete for food and predate on each other. It is time to revisit what the optimal fishing pressure is. The technical basis are the so-called FMSY reference points.  Ways of including fish interactions (density dependence) in the current single species approach to management are considered. The so-called Surplus Production Models (SPM) will be a focus.

Dorothy Dankel, Chair of the Nordic Marine Think Tank, is the facilitator of the event.

The symposium takes place on the 23rd of November 2022 at Axelborg, Axeltorv 3, Copenhagen V, Denmark.

For more information please read the mini-symposium Flyer here, the programme here and to participate please register here.