International Webinar on Facilitating Market Access of Fisheries and Aquaculture Products
December 15, 2021 (online)
As one of the most traded commodities nowadays, fisheries and aquaculture products contribute to important nutrition and animal protein intake to the world population, playing an inseparable role in addressing global food security. The ever-increasing demand for fish brings more pressure to fishery resources and their management, creating an essential drive for aquaculture development.
International trade in fisheries and aquaculture products has doubled in the past decade, bringing numerous benefits to most producing countries, generating income for fishers and fish farmers, allowing them to improve their food security. In the meantime, additional and innovative market access requirements have been introduced by many countries, particularly major importing economies, creating, on some occasions, administrative and financial costs. During the FAO Committee on Fisheries and the Sub-Committee on Fish Trade, producing countries have repeatedly highlighted that these measures should not become unnecessary technical barriers to trade and the importance of FAO being able to provide technical assistance to countries in meeting these requirements is stressed.
The virtual event “International Webinar on Facilitating Market Access of fisheries and aquaculture products” aims to improve market access in developing countries. It will be organized on the 15th December 2021. During the webinar, trade experts will be invited to discuss the latest import requirements, processing technologies, and trade policy issues by exchanging their views on challenges and recommending solutions.
Pre-register here
Wednesday 15 December (10:00 CET time) | Moderator: Mr. Weiwei Wang
Mr. Hongzhou Wang
Shanghai Ocean Univeristy
Opening remark
Mr. Audun Lem
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO
The international regulatory framework on trade in fisheries and aquaculture products
Mr. Marcio Castro de Souza
Senior Fishery Officer
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO
PSMA agreement and its connectivity international fish trade
Ms. Alicia Mosteiro
Fishery Officer
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO
The import requirements of fisheries and aquaculture products in the United States of America
Mr. Michael Griffin
Fisheries consultant
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO
The import requirements of fisheries and aquaculture products in the European Union
Mr. Michael Griffin
Fisheries consultant
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO
The import requirements of fisheries and aquaculture products in China
Mr. Weiwei Wang
Fishery Officer
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO
The requirements of China’s exports of fisheries and aquaculture products to the neighboring countries
Mr. Tinggui Chen
Professor and Vice Dean
College of Economics and Management Shanghai Ocean University
Conclusion remark
Mr. Jinlong Yang
Shanghai Ocean Univeristy