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Improvement in the overall sustainability of EU fisheries


The European Commission released a communication on June 7, 2024, titled “Sustainable Fishing in the EU: State of Play and Orientations for 2025,” indicating a gradual improvement in the overall sustainability of EU fisheries. While fewer stocks are being overfished, more efforts are needed to ensure the resilience of the fisheries sector and the long-term sustainability of key species across all sea basins.

The communication highlight  that fish stocks in the North-East Atlantic are generally healthy, with recent assessments showing the best sustainability results to date. This suggests that the EU’s sustainable fisheries management  and fishers’ efforts are yielding positive outcomes, particularly in EU waters in the Atlantic. However, certain species crucial for ecosystem balance and commercial purposes still face challenges.

In the Baltic Sea, the situation remains concerning, with fish stocks continuing to decline due to various pressures. Four out of ten stocks in the Baltic Sea are no longer targeted for fishing and may only be landed as by-catch. The Commission will continue to address these pressures and work towards improving ecosystem health in the Baltic Sea. Member States are urged to fully implement EU legislation to help reverse this trend.

The Commission emphasizes the importance of accurate reporting through landing declarations and sales notes to monitor quota uptake and report catch data. The landing obligation, a core element of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), aims to ensure sustainable exploitation of marine resources, promote selective fishing, and reduce discarding. Accurate reporting is crucial for sustainable fishing practices and reliable scientific data.

EFFOP, as buyers of small pelagics in bulk, has been proactive in ensuring proper recording of all catches to monitor quota uptake and promote sustainable fishing. The Commission is urged to ensure a level playing field in this regard.

Read the communication paper here and the press release here.

You can also read our standard for weighing and draining of unsorted pelagic landings for fishmeal and fish oil production here.