ICES Annual Science Conference 2019
ICES Annual Science Conference 2019 took place 9-12 September in Gothenburg, Sweden. EUfishmeal participated in part of the conference.
“The future of fish and its role in securing food for a 9-billion world”
This year, an important key note speaker was Professor Manuel Barange, Director of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and Resources Division at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy. Manuel’s speech concerned the future of fish and its role in securing food for a 9-billion world and you can read more about it click here. Some slides from his presentation, including Final MESSAGES are shown in the gallery below.
“Marine aquaculture in a changing ocean”, theme session B.
The continued growth of marine aquaculture around the world presents a host of opportunities and challenges for ocean planning and the sustainable use of ocean resources. A particular pressing need is anticipating the complex interactions with wild fisheries that are likely to increase as marine aquaculture expands into the oceans and the markets. To read more about the theme session B click here and the individual presentations click here.
You can find presentations from all the key note speakers here.