News & Events

EFFOP in BlueBio Policy Event in the European Parliament


This event aims to highlight recent advancements and possibilities in the blue bioeconomy. It provides a platform to discuss policy and regulatory solutions crucial for unlocking the potential of Europe’s blue bioeconomy, particularly by enhancing circularity in aquaculture and fisheries value chains.

We are pleased to announce the participation of EFFOP’s Managing Director, Anne Mette Bæk, in the round table discussion, followed by a Q&A session with the audience. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, January 30, 2024, from 8:30 to 10:00 (CET), and online registration is available.

The policy event will specifically address the valorization of side-streams in fisheries. EFFOP, which derives 40 percent of its raw materials from side-streams during fish processing for human consumption, will contribute its expertise to this important dialogue.

The event is hosted by MEP Clara Aquilera, indicating the priority given to the subject by the European Parliament. As a globally leading producer, EFFOP is proud to participate in this important agenda and amplify the voices of European fishmeal and fish oil producers.

Read more and register here.

Find the full agenda here.