Market Advisory Council (MAC)

European Fishmeal holds a seat in the Executive Committee of the Market Advisory Council. For more information click here.

About the MAC:
The MAC was established at the first General Assembly and Executive Committee meetings on 8 June 2016.

The role of the MAC is to submit recommendations and suggestions on matters related to the market of fishery and aquaculture products on behalf of the whole value chain (primary producers – catching, aquaculture-, traders, exporters, importers to/from third countries, processors, wholesalers, distributors, retailers), and consumers as well as other interest groups affected by the CFP and CMO (environmental or development non-governmental organisations, consumer organisations, etc.).

General Assembly (GA):
The members of the GA are representatives of the European fisheries sector and other interest groups. The fisheries sector includes the catching sub sector (ship owners, small-scale fishermen, employed fishermen and producer organisations), as well as processors and traders. Other stakeholders represented are environmental NGOs and recreational fishermen.

Executive Committee (ExCom):
The ExCom is tasked with formally adopting all recommendations by the MAC. 60% of the seats are allotted to the industry sector and 40% to representatives of other interest groups.

Working Groups (WGs):
Most practical work is done by Working Groups that consist of members of the General Assembly.