News & Events

Members of the Baltic Sea Advisory Council visit FF Skagen, Denmark


We were delighted to open the doors of FF Skagen to the members of the Baltic Sea Advisory Council (BSAC) on October 3rd.

We would like to thank the teams at FF Skagen for the warm welcome and the detailed tour of the laboratory and equipment for landing, weighing and sorting pelagic catches.

This was a great opportunity for BSAC members to talk about the methods developed to remove contaminants from marine ingredients and to gain a practical understanding of how pelagic fish are sorted and weighed on landing. The presence of the accredited third party provided an opportunity to explain in detail the implementation of an independent and accurate registration of small pelagic bulk landings to avoid any conflict of interest and to ensure independent control of landings and weighing operations.

EFFOP has been a member of BSAC since its creation and of the Executive Committee since May 2023. Working together is always easier and more effective when we know each other better, which is why EFFOP was happy to organize this visit. It led to rich discussions and the participants went home with a better understanding of the industry.

We hope to repeat this type of event in the future!


See some photos below: