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Key takeaways from our webinar on the value chain perspectives on the future of pelagic fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic


Today, European Fishmeal and Fish Oil Producers hosted a successful webinar on the value chain perspectives on the future of pelagic fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic.

According to Dr. Claus Sparrevohn, Chief Biologist for the Danish Pelagic Producer’s Organization, and member of ICES WGWide, the outlooks for these important stocks for the fishing industry are not optimistic. These three stocks are facing challenges in terms of biomass and recruitment, and the lack of measures to manage these marine resources is unlikely to change the situation.

In his presentation, Mr. Leif Kjetil Skjæveland, Manager of Sustainability and Public Affairs at Skretting, made it clear how the feed industry has embarked on its transition to sustainability and will not step back from its key principles: buying products from responsible fisheries. The feed industry needs certificated marine ingredients.

EFFOP hopes that the industry will be heard, and that decision-makers among Coastal States will take the right measures to ensure a sustainable future for pelagic fisheries.

EFFOP INVITATION – information meeting on NE pelagic stocks