
Invitation: Seminar on “Building our knowledge of the mesopelagic zone”


EFFOP is partner in the MEESO project: “Ecologically and economically sustainable mesopelagic fisheries (MEESO)“.

The MEESO project is organizing a seminar “Building our knowledge of the mesopelagic zone“, Friday 25 March 2022 at Castletroy Park Hotel, Co. Limerick, Ireland, 9:30 – 14:00 GMT

Frank Trearty, President of EFFOP, will give a presentation entitled ”The European Fishmeal and Fish Oil Produceres – mesopelagics a potential new raw material?” and participate in the Panel Discussion.

Interested EFFOP members should register to the seminar here
(participation in-person or online)

The preliminary seminar programme:

09.30-10.00 Refreshments
10.00-10.05 Welcome, introduction
10.05-10.15 “New developments of acoustic and trawl technologies for biomass estimation of mesopelagic organisms”: Dr Webjørn Melle (Institute of Marine Research, Norway)
10.20-10.30 “Modelling mesopelagic fish and their ecosystems” Dr Douglas C. Speirs (University of Strathclyde, Scotland)
10.35-10.45 “MI work on the acoustic survey estimation of mesopelagic fish abundance”. Prof. David Reid (Marine Institute, Ireland)
10.50-11.00 “Prediction of potential catch loss through mesh selection in mesopelagic trawls” Dr. Eduardo Grimaldo (SINTEF, Norway)
11.05-11.15 “Ecosystem-based management of mesopelagic fisheries; lessons from the Antarctic krill fishery” Richard Curtin (BIM, Ireland)
11.20-11.50 Health Break
11.55-12.05 ”The European Fishmeal and Fish Oil Produceres – mesopelagics a potential new raw material?” Frank Trearty (Pelagia, Ireland)
12.10-12.20 “Sensory developments of Mueller’s pearlside” Dr Runar G. Solstad (Nofima, Norway)
12.25-12.35 ”Methods for processing of mesopelagic fish”.  Dr. Lars Thoresen (Nofima, Norway)
12.40-12.50 “Progressing our knowledge of mesopelagic resources”, Dr Maria Hayes, (Teagasc, Ireland)
12.55-13.05 “Fishing the mesopelagic: Economic prospects “Dr Rolf A. Groeneveld  (Wageningen University, The Netherlands)
13.10-13.45 Panel Discussion
14.00- 14.55 Close
14.05-15.00 Lunch