Findings from workshop on sustainability and responsible sourcing of marine ingredients
The EUfishmeal workshop on sustainability and responsible sourcing of marine ingredients on 25 October attracted more than 70 participants from various European countries.
EUfishmeal were happy to have so many dedicated and expert speakers on the podium and the lively panel debates touched upon issues central to all stakeholders: from fisheries biology and certification to sustainable production and sale.
Keynote speaker was professor Katherine Richardson, University of Copenhagen, who gave an inspiring presentation of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda with a warning not to make the same mistakes in the oceans as had been made on land.
Central to the workshop was how the fisheries, the governments, the industry, the feed and pet food manufacturers as well as the retailers and consumers can work together to define and implement clear criteria for a sustainable production and use of marine resources.
From the European producers of fishmeal and fish oil the final message was clear:
- We are fully committed to UN development goals and responsible and sustainable sourcing.
- We will continue working with this agenda and are thankful for the input and constructive dialogue on the workshop
- We, if any, have an interest in taking good care of our oceans and fish stocks – our livelihood – our future.
- Common challenges require common solutions. We wish to be part of the solutions; sustainability is a part of our DNA.
- The oceans contribute with 50% of the global biological production but we humans only collect 2% of our food from the oceans: Sustainable and responsible harvesting of the oceans can secure food for the growing population in the world.
Workshop programme and presentations
Sustainability and responsible sourcing of marine ingredients
10:00: Registration and coffee
Setting the scene
10:15 Welcome and start of workshop – Johannes Palsson, Chairman of EUfishmeal. To see the presentation click here.
10:25 The UN Sustainable Development Agenda – UN SDGs, by Professor Katherine Richardson, University of Copenhagen. To see the presentation click here.
Sustainable sourcing and certification in Europe
10:40 Fisheries research and provision of advice on sustainable management, by Fritz Köster, CEO at DTU Aqua and president of ICES. To see the presentation click here.
10:50 Balanced harvesting in a variable and uncertain world: a case study from the Barents Sea. Senior scientist Daniel Howell, IMR, Norway. To see the presentation click here.
11:00 Fish In – Fish Out ratios explained, by Neil Auchterlonie, Technical director, IFFO. To see the presentation click here.
11:10 Panel-discussion: “Sourcing”, with questions/comments from the floor.
11:40 Coffee break
12:00 IFFO RS – responsible supply, by Francisco Aldon, General Manager IFFO RS. To see the presentation click here.
12:10 MSC program and reduction fisheries, including an update on certified supply, challenges key supply fisheries for reduction need to meet, and how MSC builds capacity and support towards fisheries in transition to MSC, by Camiel Derichs, Programme Development Director. Presented by Ole Schmidt, Senior Programme Engagement Manager. To see the presentation click here.
12:20 ASC Responsible feed standard by Michiel Fransen, Head of standards and science. To see the presentation click here.
12:30 Responsible soy sourcing – the FEFAC Soy Sourcing Guidelines, by Anton van den Brink, Senior Policy & Communication Manager, FEFAC. To see the presentation click here.
12:40 Panel discussion, “Certification”, with questions/comments from the floor.
13:15 Lunch
A view from NGO’s, market and consumers
14:00 How to develop product environmental footprints – presentation by Preben Kristensen, coordinator, Nordic environmental footprint group. To see the presentation click here.
14:10 Compassion in World Farming – “Until the Seas run Dry”, by Natasha Hurley, Campaign Manager, Changing Markets. To see the presentation click here.
14:20 Sustainable feed, by Dave Robb, Sustainability director, Cargill Animal nutrition. To see the presentation click here.
14:30 Coffee break
14:45 Responsible sourcing of ingredients for Pet Food, by Phil Jones, Procurement Director EMENA – Raw Materials, Nestlé Purina PetCare. To see the presentation click here.
14:55 Responsible sourcing – a view from retail by Pernille Hartington, project leader, CSR, COOP. To see the presentation click here.
15:05 Panel discussion, “NGO’s and markets session ”, with questions/comments from the floor.
15:35 Summary and lessons learned + next steps. To see the presentation click here.
16:00 Thank you and good-bye