EUfishmeal workshop on knowledge of fishmeal and fish oil
Workshop in Fishmeal and Fish oil
Axelborg, Axeltorv 3, Copenhagen, Denmark
14-15 November 2018
Background and outcome of the workshop
The workshop was organized by the Nordic Centre of Excellence Network and hosted by EUfishmeal.
Because of changes in markets and demands, there is an urgent need for improved knowledge about the nutritional value which fishmeal and fish oil can provide in the feed industry so as to increase the value of these commodities. In order to facilitate and strengthen the Nordic cooperation and bioeconomy, a Nordic Centre of Excellence in Fishmeal and Fish oil was established in 2018 with support from the Nordic Council of Ministers.
For more information about the Nordic Centre of Excellence Network and its background please click here
The workshop was successful with 75 participants from several European countries.
Researchers, producers, salesmen and customers presented current knowledge in five sessions on raw material quality, production, analytical methods, preservation and final products. After each session research needs were discussed. The last part of workshop included group discussions and a final panel discussion.
The outcome of the workshop will be summarized in a report which will be published at this webpage as soon as possible.
Workshop program
(to see a presentation click at the title in the program)
November 14th
Chair Jóhannes Pálsson, EUfishmeal
12.30: Registration
13.00: Welcoming address, Jóhannes Pálsson, EUfishmeal
13.05: Where are we today, Anne Mette Baek, EUfishmeal
13.25: Market status – Current markets, new challenges, Jon Tarlebo, Norsildmel, Norway
13.45: Different raw material for fishmeal and fish oil production, Charlotte Jacobsen, DTU Food, Denmark
14.05: Handling of raw materials from sea to production side, Marvin Einarsson, Matís, Iceland
14.25: Effect of raw material quality and characteristics on the quality of final products, Guðrun Svana Hilmarsdóttir, University of Iceland, Iceland
14.45: Coffee break
Chair Odd Eliassen, Havsbrun, Faroe Islands
15.05: Processing methods, Peder Fosboel, Haarslev, Denmark
15.25: Quality control and assurance, Klaus H. Kristoffersen, FF Skagen, Denmark
15.45: Effect of production method on the technical properties of fish meal intended for feed production, Tor Andreas Samuelsen, NOFIMA, Norway
16.05: Production of fish protein and fish oil for human consumption, Charlotte Jacobsen, DTU Food, Denmark
17:30-20:00 Dinner
November 15th
ANALYTICAL METHODS: Current and new methods
Chair Pedro J. Garcia Moreno, DTU Food, Denmark
09.00: Chemical methods, Charlotte Jacobsen, DTU Food, Denmark
09.20: Rheology, Tor Andreas Samuelsen, NOFIMA, Norway
09.40: NIR, Jakob Dan-Winther, Q-Interline A/S, Denmark
10.00: Cetoleic acid makes pelagic fish more healthy, Bente Rutyer, NOFIMA, Norway
10.20: Coffee break
Chair Marvin Einarsson, Matís, Iceland
10.40: Raw material, Tor Andreas Samuelsen, NOFIMA, Norway
11.00: Fishmeal, Neil Auchterlonie, IFFO
11.20: Fish oil, Charlotte Jacobsen, DTU Food, Denmark
11.40: Lunch
Chair Charlotte Jacobsen, DTU Food, Denmark
12.40: Requirements for various final products produced from fishmeal, Ola Flesland, TripleNine, Denmark
13.00: Fishmeal and fish oil for aquaculture feed – Nutritional quality, Alfred Jokumsen, DTU Aqua, Denmark
13.20: Fishmeal for FEED – Physical quality effects, Tor Andreas Samuelsen, NOFIMA, Norway
13.40: Customer Requirements, Irma Schrijver, AFB International
14.00: Coffee break
Chair Sveinn Margeirsson, Matís, Iceland
14.15: Group discussions
15.00: Panel discussion
16.00: End of seminar