Welcome to our information meeting into the situation for pelagic stocks in the NE Atlantic from a feed and value chain perspective
For over ten years, decision-makers among Coastal States have struggled to reach a consensus on quota allocations for the Northeast Atlantic stocks: mackerel, Atlanto-Scandian herring and blue whiting. Despite the presence of scientific evidence and comprehensive management plans, the absence of collaboration among Coastal States hinders the achievement of a sustainable future for pelagic fisheries.
European Fishmeal and Fish Oil Producers invites to an online information meeting dedicated to gaining insights into the perspectives for the pelagic fisheries in the NE Atlantic.
We are pleased to have Dr. Claus Sparrevohn, Chief Biologist for the Danish Pelagic Producer’s Organization and member of ICES WGWide, as our first presenter. Dr. Sparrevohn will provide an overview of the three North East Atlantic shared pelagic stocks: blue whiting, NE Atlantic mackerel and Atlanto-Scandian herring. The talk will have a primary focus on blue whiting and share possible outlooks for the stock in the absence of an agreement.
Following this, our next speaker, Mr. Leif Kjetil Skjæveland, Manager of Sustainability and Public Affairs at Skretting, will present the feed industry’s and its value-chains perspectives and discuss potential consequences of a continued absence of a sharing agreement between the coastal states.
The online information meeting will take place on
Friday 19 January 2024 at 13:00h-14:00h (CET) via Microsoft teams
To join the meeting, please register via the Microsoft Teams link here and for more information please see the brochure below
EFFOP INVITATION – information meeting on NE pelagic stocks