News & Events

Representatives of IFFO and EFFOP meet to discuss future collaboration


On February 23rd , representatives of IFFO and EFFOP met in Copenhagen to discuss current and future work.

The objective was to provide a platform to improve communication channels, collaborations, and work within EU regulations for both organizations.

The parties discussed their ongoing participation in relevant internal and external committees. EFFOP has a strong presence in European committees that can be of interest to IFFO, whereas IFFO has a strong representation in various global fora and a coordination strategy was agreed. Techical projects relating to sustainability and food safety were also discussed. IFFO will lead a global LCA analysis of fishmeal and fish oil production in order to update current datasets and attribute more towards the importance and prevalence of by-product usage in global fishmeal production. EFFOP will coordinate with its own members in order to support IFFO.  EFFOP also discussed its plans for a future PFAS workshop to be announced shortly.