Fish populations are improving
A new study shows that fish stocks are increasing on average. In a recent article by Hilborn et al.: “Effective fisheries management instrumental in improving fish stock status” one of the findings is that “where fisheries are intensively managed, the stocks are above target levels or rebuilding.” With such regulation in place, most of the global fish populations are sustainable or growing. Compared to a study from 2009, the fish populations are growing and 78% of fisheries considered overfished in 2009 have been improved by 2020. According to SeafoodSource, Hilborn argues that there is a need for effective fisheries management for the entire ocean; and not for putting an end to fishing in large parts of the ocean as often suggested by environmental groups. This argument is supported by evidence that stocks are in poor shape in regions with little fisheries management.
Hilborn’s article presents a new and positive perspective to what is otherwise described as a more negative public view on fishing. He says that: “Fish stocks are not declining around the world. Ninety percent of people who think about fisheries believe that’s true. There’s a narrative that a number of NGOs have pushed that fish stocks are declining, the oceans are dying, and we need to lock up large portions of the ocean to fishing, and that’s not true.”
Read the entire research article here: https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2020/01/07/1909726116
Read the article from SeafoodSource here: https://www.seafoodsource.com/news/environment-sustainability/fish-populations-are-thriving-in-areas-with-intense-management-global-study-finds