Fish is the best way to feed the world
Marine biologist and fisheries scientist Professor Dr. Ray Hilborn argues that eating fish is the best way to feed the world.
Small pelagic species have a very low carbon footprint and are therefore one of the most sustainable sources of protein – see the pictures below.
If you want to know more – watch Hilborn’s webinar about the environmental cost of dinner – click here.
Hilborn’s new book click here. From the OUPblog by Ray Hilborn:
”Ocean fisheries don’t cause soil erosion, don’t blow away the topsoil, don’t use any significant freshwater, don’t use antibiotics and don’t have anything to do with nutrient releases, that devastating form of pollution that causes algal blooms in freshwater and dead zones in the ocean. After extensive studies, it turns out that some fish have the lowest green house gas footprint per unit of protein. Better even than plants. Sardines, herring, mackerel, anchovies and farmed shellfish all have a lower GHG footprint than plants, and many other fisheries come close.”
The pictures below are from Hilborn’s webinar – click here.