EUfishmeal responsibility paper is now online
During recent months EUfishmeal has worked on a infographic about the responsibility of the european fishmeal and fish oil industry. Fishmeal and fish oil are responsible marine ingredients based on certified sustainable fisheries. That is a message we want to communicate to the public and our responsibility is a tool to do so.
Click here to see and read full paper
- Fishmeal and fish oil is produced mainly from small, short-lived fish with little or no potential for direct human consumption as well as from recycled trimmings from fish processing.
- The major species used for production of fishmeal and fish oil in Europe are capelin, sandeel, blue whiting, sprat, norway pout and boarfish.
- The production is based on certified sustainable exploitation of natural resources. All fish stocks used to produce fishmeal and fish oil in European countries are subject to catch limitations. The total allowable catches (TACs) are based on biological advice and under governmental regulation and control.
- A growing amount of raw material comes from trimmings. The fillet yield formost fish species varies between 30% and 65% of the mass of the fish and therest raw material is a valuable resource for the fishmeal and fish oil producers. The European fishmeal industry is thus an important contributor to a circular blue bioeconomy.
- All fish stocks used as raw material by EUfishmeal members are either IFFO RS compliant or MSC certified. The MSC certification is further recognized by GSSI’s Global Benchmark Tool for seafood certification schemes.
- All EUfishmeal members meet the requirements of IFFO RS for the production and for the fish they are sourcing. This means independent third party inspections and certification, full traceability and responsible production.
- EUfishmeal support and implement the FAO code of conduct for responsible fisheries.
- Fishmeal as a protein feed ingredient competes with other protein sources.
- EUfishmeal recognizes the need for other protein sources in agriculture and aquaculture feed to meet the growing global food demand. Alternatives should be equally responsible and traceable.
- Aquaculture production has a low environmental footprint relative to the production of other food e.g. beef and pork.