EFFOP weighing standard and video recording of pelagic landings presented for EU Member States, EFCA and DG Mare
On 7 March, the EFFOP secretariat participated in a joint Workshop on monitoring, control and enforcement of the Landing Obligation. The 73 participants were from BALTFISH Member States, BSAC members, DG Mare, European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) and observers.
DG Mare informed of “The role of Member States to ensure control and enforcement of the landing obligation” and EFCA could inform that there was still a way to go for compliance with the Landing Obligation (LO) in the Baltic Sea. Although there were high compliance with the LO in most pelagic fisheries targeting herring and sprat, there were generally low compliance with the LO for most other species.
The EFFOP secretariat and Peter Kongerslev (FF Skagen) gave a presentation entitled “The EFFOP code of conduct for weighing and video recording of pelagic landings”.
Read about the workshop and see the presentations given here