Coastal states set TAC for 2021
European Fishmeal was present as an observer during this year’s NEAFC negotiations (North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission) were the political negotiators are presented for the scientific advice for fisheries stocks in 2021 before they gather to set the TAC (Total Allowable Catch) for 2021.
The coastal states counts delegations from the European Union, the Faroe Islands, Norway, Iceland, Greenland, the Russian Federation and, for the first time, the United Kingdom, who because of Brexit negotiated for themselves.
The following quotas were decided:
For blue whiting, Norway, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, the United Kingdom, and the European Union agreed to set the TAC for 2021 at 929,292 tonnes. This TAC is in line with ICES advice and represents a 20% decrease compared to 2020.
The coastal states did not, however, agree on how to divide the TAC to each state. EU maintains its claim at 41% as a starting point for the coming negotiates. The overfishing of blue whiting is hence expected to continue in 2021.
For Norweigan Spring Spawning herring (NSSH) the delegations agreed to set the TAC for 2021 at 651,033 tonnes. This TAC is also in line with the ICES advice and represents a 6% increase compared to 2020.
For mackerel, delegations agreed that the scientific advice provided by ICES, which is in line with the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) approach, forms a good basis for setting the TAC for 2021 (not set yet). The negotiators are expected to agree in setting TAC aligned with ICES’ advice on 852,284, which is an 8% reduction compared to the 2020 advice.