After seven years of presidency: European Fishmeal has a new president
The annual General Assembly of European Fishmeal (EFFOP) was held September 23rd, 2021, as an online session.
The sitting president, Johannes Palsson CEO of the Danish fishmeal producer FF Skagen, stepped down after seven years as president and Frank Trearty, general manager of the Irish fishmeal producer Pelagia Killybegs, until now vice president of EFFOP, was elected as the new president.
After his nomination, Frank Trearty thanked his successor for a job well done, and shed light on his ambitions as president of EFFOP:
“Johannes (Palsson, red.) has done a great job taking the association where it is today. We as an industry have a great benefit in cooperating in the European Fishmeal association. As we are looking into a great number of emerging challenges, the need for strong cooperation and effective secretariat is even greater in the future”.
As Frank Treaty accepted the Presidential role, the board decided unanimously that his vacant seat as Vice President should be taken over by Garðar Svavarsson, who joined the board as the representative of the Icelandic fishmeal producers instead of Johann Petur Andersen.
The board is now as follows:
- Frank Trearty, Ireland (President)
- Garðar Svavarsson, Iceland (Vice President)
- Kyrre Dale, Norway
- Johannes Palsson, Denmark
- Odd Eliasson, Faroe Islands
- Toby Parker, UK
- Toomas Kevvai, Estonia
- Roberto Casas Abeijón, Spain
Before the General assembly, the three most important certification bodies in the fishmeal sector, MSC, ASC and Marin Trust, were invited to give a presentation on where we are heading in the world of certification. EFFOP members can see the presentations on the member’s page in the conference folder.
Next year’s General Assembly will take place as part of the biennial members’ conference in Skagen, Denmark, taking place from June 1st to 3rd, 2022.